Home made Hair care remedies

About Hair Loss

Hair loss problem is tough to face or accept when you cannot find a remedy for it. Hair loss is caused due to many reasons. Some of them are malnutrition, illness, tension and other health problems. Also, using chemicals or toxic substances can be harmful. So homemade remedies can treat hair loss in a safer and better way.

These homemade remedies are based on herbs and natural ingredients. It can be made by a combination of meditation, healthy diet, oil massage, herbs, breathing, aromatherapy and yoga.

Home made remedies for hair loss problem

  • Massage your hair well with olive oil before going to sleep. Next morning give a soft massage again and wash the hair gently.
  • Gather some leaves of henna and boil them with mustard oil. Give a soft massage with this oil to treat hair loss.
  • Ground together black pepper seeds and lime to form a paste. It is useful to treat patchy baldness.
  • Wash hair regularly with cold and clean water. After washing the hair rub the scalp with fingertips well. It is a simple way and beneficial remedy against hair loss.
  • Take a few drops of coconut milk and massage well into the roots of your hair all portion of the scalp for healthy hair.
  • If you wants to grow your hair thick and soft then trim it once a month.
  • Avoid sharp clips, tight rubber bands and spiky brushes. How to curl you hair would be a huge question but you can learn to do it easily at home.Never brush your hair when it is wet and do not over comb the hair.
  • Massage of coconut milk over the scalp; leave it for about one hour. After this rinse the hair with warm water. It gives amazing results if one uses this massage at least 3-4 times a week.

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