Right Way To Wash Your Hair
March 25th, 2009
When washing your hair, it is best if you get in the shower. You may give yourself a back-ache and won’t be able to rinse properly if you wash your hair in the sink. Start by rinsing your hair to remove any leave-in conditioner or styling aids. Use a quarter sized dollop of shampoo and […]
Managing your Hair
March 22nd, 2009
Since your hair needs to be washed as often as it gets dirty and oily, a natural shampoo on a formulation of herbs is very effective. A successful hair care discipline includes cleansing, toning and conditioning routines done with sacred regularity. The routine aims at getting rid of the excess oil and to exfoliate skin […]
Frizzy Hair Care
March 19th, 2009
There is no point in blaming Mother Nature, or your parents, for presenting you with this head of curls. It would be wiser to be grateful for your frizzy hair. It is your curls that make you special and provided the right frizzy hair care they will never be a source of stress for you. […]
Hair Extensions
March 17th, 2009
Hair extensions are a gorgeous way to admire your hair and give yourself a new look. There are many different methods used for attaching a hair extension according to the person doing your hair. It would be best to talk with your beautician before deciding on which method is best for you. Some hair may […]
Secrets to Healthy Hair
March 16th, 2009
Healthy hair care is not simply about which brand of shampoo and conditioner you use, but also involves maintaining your physical and mental health. Do not use two-in-one shampoo and conditioner products. Shampoo is designed to have one effect on your hair, while conditioner is supposed to do another and one application can not do […]
Natural Care For Hair
March 10th, 2009
Everybody knows that fruits and vegetables are the healthiest food for our body and for our health, but they are also good and for our beauty. Mayonnaise is product that is very good for dry hair. It instantly adds moisture to dry hair. Apply it all over the scalp, concentrating on the ends, leave for […]
Blow-Dry Curly Hair
March 5th, 2009
As you know the success of your curls depends mainly on the cut, but also on the way you blow-dry your curly hair. Its essential to blow dry your curly hair properly in order to achieve best results. Using a diffuser is the best way to blow-dry curly hair without damaging it. Shampoo and Conditioner […]